Thursday, 16 February 2012

Important Tips for Happy Married Life

It is very difficult for couples to get some spare time out of their hectic schedule and spend a quality time with each other. For a successful married life, try to have two holiday breaks in a year and take meals out together on weekends to burst the stress and share meaningful conversation. Here are some valuable tips for married life that will help you to have a successful partnership.

Love & Sexual Relationships

Showing your affection and love to your partner is very much important. It strengthens the bond and rekindles the love in your partner’s heart. Say ‘I Love You’ once in a day even when you people have no time for a healthy conversation. Also, keep your sexual relationship healthy and regular to keep your partner happy and satisfied.

Give & Take

Obviously, both parts ought to show the equal amount of love and affection to each other. Else if one keep showering the love and another not showing any interest, it would become a cause of separation. Women’s sexuality or low sex drive of women can be a reason for harsh argument. In such a situation, talk to each other in a meaningful conversation and try to increase the comfort level between each other.

Regular Holidays

Take some time out from your routine work is the ground need of a successful married life. Go for regular holiday breaks, night outs for dinner or anything you both are interested to ensure a healthy relationship.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

How can I look beautiful for longer?

Do you want to join the league of beautiful women? Certainly, everyone whether men or women love to receive compliments for exotic looks and beauty. Unfortunately, many decide to go under the knife to improve certain part of their body to look perfect and attractive. Even though beauty is a precious gift given by god, but you can also get it through a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating.

It is true that many women drastically improved their body and reduced the signs of aging successfully through a surgery, but it is also true that natural remedies also helped a lot of women to turn into beautiful women.

Certainly, all body parts are exposed to the world, but amongst all body parts, head is the extremely vulnerable and therefore, starts showing the signs of deterioration soon. In an addition, sometimes the chemical you apply to prevent lousy spots, wrinkle or just to safeguard your sin from bad weather.  It is time to realize that natural beauty cannot be complemented by artificial means.

If you want to maintain the elasticity of skin tissue, drink plenty of water everyday. We should drink up to 8 glasses of water daily. Take natural and pure juices without adding sugar, water or any preservatives to avoid hydration. A mix of vegetables and fruit juice is the best to re-gain the glow and overcome the sign of aging.

Always apply a layer of UV protection whenever you go out in hot or humid climate. It is believed that 80% of the skin damages are caused by sun-rays.

Your skin is very much important, and you ought to take good care of it. Organic makeup products are a great option to have a good looking healthy skin. Use as many natural organic products as you can and keep your skin hydrated to lengthen its life. Right lifestyle and healthy eating are equally important to rejuvenate your skin.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Menopause and Women’s Sexuality

If you’re in your late 40s or mid 50s, you are more likely to face menopause. Even if you’re below 40, knowing the symptoms of menopause will help you to deal with it properly. Every woman has a distinct body and therefore, some experience severe issues during their menopause while other doesn’t face any.

Diagnosis of symptoms of menopause is equally important and, here we are sharing some tips to help you get rid of it:

Age: very obvious, age it self an indicator. Most women either complete or enter into menopause cycle by the age of 50s and almost every woman completes the process by 55. 

Check the FSH level: You need to be alert during your pre-menopause phase. The level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) indicated that you are in the transition process. Test the FSH level twice in a month to notice the fluctuation. If the level of FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) is high, it indicates pre-menopause. 

How to cure Symptoms of menopause?
Don’t be panic. Menopause is a natural biological process. It is not an illness, but the symptoms brought some changes in the level of female hormones- estrogen and progesterone. Though the symptom varies with woman body, but here are some valuable guidelines to deal with the symptoms of menopause effectively: 

Hormonal Therapy: It is an effective cure to relieve menopausal symptoms and also protects you from heart diseases and osteoporosis. The therapy regulates the supply of female hormones that decreases during the menopause period. 

Oral Contraceptive Pills: Women who are suffering irregular menstruation in their late 40’s or mid 50’s  are generally face worse menopause. Doctor prescribes oral contraceptive pills to regulate the menstruation. 

Healthy Lifestyle:
Maintain a healthy lifestyle for a sound sleep. Good sleep lightens the symptoms of menopause such as mood swings and memory problems. Quit cigarette and alcohol immediately. Have a healthy diet and during menopause, a woman loses a considerable amount of estrogen hormone and it affects women’s sexuality also. Post menopause, you may feel that you’re not easily aroused, and even less sensitive to touching and stroking- which consequently decreases the interest in sex. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Vaginal Disease- Ignorance makes it Incurable

Facing issues such as vaginal itching, burning, pain or discharge but still not consulting a doctor just because you’re shy or not comfortable with it? Don’t take such symptoms lightly and take immediate medical assistance if you don’t want it to turn into life-threatening vaginal diseases. Especially for women in childbearing age, vaginal infection is the most common issue. 

What is vaginal infection?

The cervix and vagina both have glands which releases transparent mucous or fluid during the menstrual cycle, and intercourse. In case, excessive fluids are discharged from the gland, it turns into a light pale color after exposure to air and bacteria. However, you may face problem of vaginal discharge which will be green or brown in color with a bad odor accompanied by itching or burning. 

You need to contact your gynecologist immediately if you notice any of the given below symptoms:

  • Color or texture change of vaginal Discharge 
  • Frequent Discharge/ Increased volume of Discharge 
  • Swelling or Pain 
  • Rashes or inflammation 
  • Itching, burning or sensation 
  • Bad odor in discharge 
  • Sensation or burning during urine discharge 
  • Extreme pain or bleeding during intercourse
Vagina infection is accompanied by a lot of symptom, but sometimes, there may be no symptom at all.  

Preventive Measures:

You can avoid or overcome vaginal disease or any sort of vaginal infection by taking medical help and following given below preventive measure:

  • Have nutritious diet, drink plenty of water and have proper sleep 
  • Use condoms during intercourse 
  • Keep your vagina clean and dry 
  • Wear Cotton underwear as it absorbs the moisture and keep your vagina dry 
  • Never apply petroleum jelly or any lubricant that contain oil on your vagina 
  • Do not douche
Stay clean and avoid sexual intercourse during the treatment. Take medicine according to the doctor prescription.