Saturday, 28 May 2011

Facing Problem in Conception? Here are some valuable tips to increase a woman’s fertility naturally!!

Motherhood is the most precious and memorable part of a woman’s life. Even a thought of having a baby excites many couples. Entire pregnancy period starting from the conception to the delivery is an unforgettable and happy journey, but if you’re facing problem in conception, complications and worries will also join you in the journey.

In this blogs, we are sharing few effective tips to help couples that are struggling with fertility issues and want to improve their fertility naturally:

Monitor Your Fertility
Have intercourse exactly when you’re ovulating! It is the right time to have intercourse because a woman used to be most fertile when she is ovulating. Monitor your basal body temperature to know exactly when you’re ovulating. The basal body temperature of a woman increases when she releases an egg and that’s the right time to have sexual intercourse. By having intercourse just before an egg is released, you can increase the chances of becoming pregnant.

Appropriate Sexual positions
There are certain sexual positions that allow close deposition of sperm to the cervix and hence, increase the chances of conception. Don’t have intercourse while standing, sitting or any position that keeps you on top, because it causes semen to leak out from your body. Try positions that allow deep penetration such as missionary pose and rear entry poses, as it enables your partner to discharge the semen closer to the cervix. Elevate your hips for ten- fifteen minutes just after having sex to prevent extra semen from leaking out of your body.

Eat Right – Stay Healthy
Right and healthy diet plays a vital role in improving the fertility of your body. It regulates hormones and nurtures the reproductive system. A good diet also maintains body weight, which has a huge impact on fertility.
Incorporate certain vitamins and minerals in your diet such as:
• Add Vitamin C and Antioxidants to your diet. Such vitamins accelerate sperm mobility and reduce stress on the eggs.
• Zinc is also an important component of a healthy diet that keeps the reproductive system healthy. Deficiency of Zinc can reduce testosterone and semen level in the body.
• A daily dose of Calcium and Vitamin D increases fertility of a male.

Significance of Exercises
Regular exercise not only maintains your weight but also keeps your reproductive system fit naturally. Excess body fat affects the female fertility by increasing the level of estrogen in the female body. Try Simple moderate exercises such as walking, swimming, etc. to burn the extra fat and maintain the shape of your body.
Quit Immediately!
Quit smoking, alcohol or any other form of drug immediately if you want to conceive successfully. Both, you and your partner need to leave tobacco, alcohol, etc. Take approval from your health care professional before taking any medication to avoid any consequences that decrease the chances of becoming pregnant.

Sexualidad de la mujer

Friday, 27 May 2011

Irregular Menstrual Cycle: Problem, symptoms and Treatment

Menstrual problems are not so uncommon today. Irregular period, heavy period or no period. These are the most common problems faced by two out of five women. Menstruation starts when a girl becomes sexually mature, and it is an integral part of a female’s reproduction cycle. During the menstruation period, the uterus of women bleeds through the vagina part. Generally, it lasts from three to eight days. Every menstruation cycle comprises of approximately 28 days.

Why does menstruation occur?
The internal sex organ of a woman consists of two ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. The ovaries contain the eggs and during a certain period, a single mature egg ripens due to the action of the hormones. A mature egg bursts in the ovary and flows down to the uterus via the fallopian tube. The lining of the uterus, called as endometrial receives the egg. Now, if the egg is fertilized, the woman will become pregnant, but if the egg is not fertilized menstruation will begin. Normally, a woman loses 80 ml blood during a normal monthly period.

Factors that influence Menstruation
• First and foremost factor that influences menstruation is your hormones. If hormones are not in balance, they can affect your menstruation cycle and make it irregular. If a woman face problem with the period, doctor can ask for a blood test to check whether the hormones are in balance or out of balance.
• Weight is the second factor that influences the menstruation cycle. If you are underweight, hormones in your body might stop working properly and can cause no period. Even if you’re overweight, you will face in conception. Maintain an appropriate body weight to keep your hormones balanced.
• Stress also affects the balance of hormones.
• Over exercise or over stress gives a negative impact on the hormones and may cease menstruation.

Symptoms that demands immediate attention
The sign and problem of menstruation vary from woman to woman based on the individual health. Some may not face a single problem throughout the cycle, while others face severe unpleasant symptoms, such as
• Sharp pain in abdomen
• Pain in vagina
• Nausea
• Diarrhoea
• Fatigue
• High body temperature

How to overcome the painful periods?
There are many things that can reduce the level of discomfort and pain, such as-
• During periods, avoid hot drinks such as coffee, tea, cola, etc.
• Don’t take stress
• Do regular exercise
• Keep your abdomen warm
• Take the pain killer only if it is necessary
Avoid the things that can influence your menstruation cycle. Adopt a healthy lifestyle that keeps you fit and also regulate your hormones. Consult your doctor if still you face any problem in your periods.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Phytoestrogens from Soy and Red Clover for Managing Menopause

Learn how to counteract these changes naturally

Menopause is a crucial stage in every woman's life, as it marks the natural end of her fertile years. The perimenopausal phase, the time prior to the cessation of menstruation, is normally characterized by a reduction in the levels of estrogen produced by the body, which can cause symptoms related to the mechanisms controlling the size of blood vessels, including hot flashes, night sweats and sleep disturbances.

For many years, the traditional treatment has been hormone replacement therapy, but due to serious concerns about the elevated risk for certain chronic illnesses, such as cancer, more and more women are seeking alternative methods. Some of the most recent treatments are based on supplements enriched with phytoestrogens, which are plant-derived compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen and that can prevent or treat certain illnesses.

Phytoestrogens are steroid-free, plant-derived compounds of varying chemical structure, which are found in fruits, vegetables and grains, especially red clover, soy and alfalfa.

In order to understand phytoestrogens, you must first understand that estrogens are, in essence, the female hormones responsible for a woman's sexual and physical development, among other functions. Obviously, the production of these hormones gradually changes during menopause.

There are various types of phytoestrogens, but the most common are coumestans, lignans and isoflavones. These compounds have a similar chemical structure to the female hormones produced in your body.

Isoflavones (genistein and daidzein), which are the most potent phytoestrogens in terms of their estrogen-like effects, are found almost exclusively in legumes, such as soy, garbanzos, lentils and beans. Red clover (trifolium pratense) is also a significant source of isoflavones, as it contains components that are metabolized into genistein and daidzein once it is consumed.

Soy supplements also contain these compounds, which are subjected to various metabolic actions in your body. However, it is very important that you use a product that is guaranteed by the manufacturer to be purified and standardized so that your body will absorb it correctly.

According to the Central American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, there have been numerous studies suggesting that these compounds are beneficial "to the heart, the bones, the breasts and overall health during the period prior to menopause, also known as climacteric period." Nevertheless, these compounds also have their detractors. The one thing everyone agrees on is that they do not involve any health risks.

Furthermore, they have been shown to inhibit the development of certain types of cancer, a property that has caused them to gain widespread popularity among users.

Numerous benefits have been attributed to isoflavones, such as:

1) Anti-carcinogenic benefits: These compounds can help prevent prostate, colon and breast cancer, thanks to their antioxidant action.

2) Cardiac benefits: A diet rich in isoflavones helps prevent various cardiovascular diseases, such as dyslipidemia, or metabolic disorders that carry increased risks of heart disease.

3) Immune system benefits: It is thought that the isoflavones in red clover and soy may contribute to the healthy functioning of the immune system, as they bolster the activity of white blood cells.

Red clover (trifolium pratense)

This plant, which has been used since time immemorial to feed sheep in the United Kingdom, has also been used for medical purposes in the treatment of ailments of the respiratory system, especially in Asian cultures.

Red clover, which contains the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, is used to alleviate certain menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes. Although there has not yet been sufficient research to support claims of its effectiveness as a cancer treatment, it has certainly caught the attention of the scientific community.

What other measures can be taken to counteract the symptoms of menopause?

o    To combat minor hot flashes, it is recommended that you exercise regularly and practice breathing slowly and deeply.

o    A high body mass index can predispose you to more frequent or more severe hot flashes, although there has been no research to date on whether or not weight reduction causes a corresponding reduction in hot flashes.

o    Women who are non-smokers tend to experience fewer symptoms.

o    As the North American Menopause Society mentions with regard to the treatment of symptoms related to the mechanisms controlling the size of blood vessels, women should consider taking isoflavone supplements when their hot flashes are not the result of another condition.

Regardless of the above information, it is always recommended that you consult your primary care physician before you begin treatment, so that he or she can evaluate any contraindications, for example, if you are lactating or have any medical conditions that could lead to complications.

Consejos de belleza para mujeres

The Food Pyramid: A Guide to Health

These general guidelines will help you establish healthy eating habits

Although everyone's body is different and each person's diet depends on his or her physiognomy, sex, age and other specific factors, there is certain nutritional advice that applies to everyone. What guidelines are provided by this pyramid?

Being well-nourished

In order to adapt the information provided in the pyramid to your habits, it is necessary to understand the necessities and requirements of your body. This is why being well-nourished does not necessarily mean eating a lot, but instead finding the correct balance between the quantity and quality of nutrients that your body needs in order to meet the physical and mental demands of day-to-day life.

Nutrition fulfills the following basic necessities:

Energy: it provides the energy your cells need to function.

Structure: it provides the substances that are used to build the components of your body, enabling all of your tissues to grow, repair and sustain themselves.

Regulation: it provides substances that regulate metabolism, the chemical reactions that occur in your body.

Reserves: your body stores fat and carbohydrates, such as glycogen, which supply an immediate source of energy when needed.

A balanced diet

In order to remain healthy, your body needs a balanced diet, which must:

    * Be varied: including different types of foods;
    * Be balanced: providing nutrients in the recommended amounts;
    * Be adapted to the specific needs of your body;
    * Be free of substances that represent possible health risks;
    * Cover your body's daily energy requirements; and
    * Provide vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

The food pyramid

There are certain basic recommendations for correct, healthy nutrition that can be universally adapted to all people. These recommendations are represented in the internationally endorsed food pyramid. In April of 2005, the USDA unveiled the new food pyramid, which supplants the previous one published in 1992. The idea was to redefine the elements of good, healthy nutrition, maintaining an active lifestyle and, most importantly, controlling calorie consumption in order to maintain your ideal weight.

It should be clarified that the foods at the top of the pyramid are those that you should eat in lesser quantities than those at the base of the pyramid.

Basic aspects of the pyramid

The food pyramid helps remind you of the following key points:

    * Combining exercise with good nutrition: exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity benefits every part of your body, including your mind.
    * Eating a variety of foods: in order to maintain a good balance of nutrients in your body.
    * Eating in moderation: the foods at the bottom of the pyramid are those that have little or no saturated fat and do not contain added sugars or sweeteners. For example, you should eat fresh apples from the fruit group more frequently than apple pie. Similarly, you should choose whole grain products over those with processed grains, and you should consume low-fat or non-fat milk, yogurt and cheese more often than whole milk, desserts or ice cream.

Nutrition at certain stages of life

Certain stages of life have special nutritional requirements. Among these are:

Childhood: most children under 12 years of age need a higher proportion of food in relation to their size than adults, as the pace of new cell production is much more rapid during the growth phase. Furthermore, children need more calcium and Vitamin D for proper bone development.

Adolescence: this stage is characterized by sexual maturation, an increase in height and weight and changes in bodily composition, specifically the distribution of fat and muscle mass. All of these processes require elevated levels of energy and nutrients, especially Vitamins A, C and D, iron and calcium, which should all be incorporated into an adolescent's diet.

Pregnancy: a pregnant woman must ensure that her diet provides a sufficient amount of protein to develop the baby's cells, calcium and Vitamin D to develop the baby's bones, iron to develop the hemoglobin in the baby's blood and folic acid (part of the Vitamin B complex) to develop the baby's nervous system.

Lactation: the production of milk, rich in protein and minerals, makes high demands on the mother's nutrient reserves. This is why it is recommended that nursing mothers increase their consumption of protein, vitamins and calcium in order to produce the sufficient quantity and quality of milk.

Old Age: during the senior years, the absorption of certain nutrients starts to become deficient, which is why it is recommended that the elderly increase their consumption of foods containing vitamins such as B12.

In conclusion, it is important to keep the food pyramid in mind for proper nutrition, but it is equally important to maintain healthy habits so that the efforts you invest in good nutrition are effective. Whenever you have any questions or concerns, you should consult a professional, who can analyze your diet and determine if it is the right one for you.

Salud Para Mujeres