Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Steps to prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Being a woman, you should be concerned about breast cancer. Though there certain factors such as genetics that we cannot change, but here are some steps that can help you to prevent breast cancer: 

Quit Alcohol or Drink less
The chances of breast cancer increases by 6 percent with every alcohol drink a woman consumes. Due to changed lifestyle, drinking has become a style statement and part of daily life for teenagers. Quitting alcohol could be a wise step for women aged between 16 to 24 years who take more than three drinks per day.  Moderate drinking is good for overall health. 

Eat veggies and fruit
Diet is also a crucial factor to minimize the risk of breast cancer. Women who eat animal meat are more exposed to breast cancer than a vegetarian.  A high- fat diet increases the level of oestrogen, a female hormone that triggers the growth of cancer cells.   Women, who eat high-fat food, tend to have periods earlier and reach menopause later, so they have a high level of oestrogen for the long period of time and hence, more exposed to breast cancer. 

Regular Exercise
Walking is a good for both physical and mental health. Go for a walk or any other moderate exercise for 30 minutes daily for a good health. Physical inactivity also causes breast cancer. Involve the regular exercise in your daily routine to alter oestrogen metabolism and avoid breast cancer. 

Say No to HRT
Hormone replacement therapy is a major risk that causes breast cancer. Thousands of women develop breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer due to HRT. Overall, women who have taken or taking hormone replacement therapy are 65 percent more likely to develop cancer. 

Get Diagnosed
Consult your doctor immediately if you notice any sign of breast cancer. An early stage diagnosis has a chance of successful recovery. Women ranging between 50 to 70 ages should go for the check up once in every three years. Diagnosis of breast cancer is now more accurate due to hi-tech equipments. 

Have child before 30
Giving birth , especially before the age of 30, protects you from breast cancer. As a result of economic development, women prefer to give birth after the age of 30 due to their career and other responsibilities. Delayed child birth increase the risk of breast cancer by 3 percent. 

Breast Feeding
Breast feeding is not only good for baby’s health, but also protects mother from cancer. But working mothers have less time for breast feeding and avoiding the fact that breast feeding reducing the risk of cancer by 77 percent. 

In addition, many other factors such as lose weight, low stress level and maintain hygiene, etc. plays a vital role in preventing breast cancer. 

Safety Tips to Use Public Toilet without Getting Infected

Public toilets are created for public convenience and cleanliness of the streets. Most of the public toilets have several toilets or urinals, which is separated by stalls depending upon the gender. As many people use it in a day, you need to take some precautions in order to deal with the health and safety issues. 

Wash Your Hands Properly
A high volume of the traffic visit a public toilet daily and therefore, such toilets are exposed to harmful bacteria more as compared to other places. It is important to wash hands properly after using the toilet because most of the germs are transferred by hands only. Once you wash your hands, open the door with a paper towel in order to prevent any contamination with germs again. Always keep a bottle of hand sanitizer with you to protect yourself from any bacteria infection. 

Toilet seats
Toilet seats installed in Public toilets are the most contaminated place. To reduce the chances of infection, cover the toilet sear with toilet papers. If there is no toilet paper and even no seat cover, simply sit on your heels over the toilet without touching the lid. 

Walk with care
When using a public toilet, walk carefully as there could be puddles or streak or water on the floor. Be alert and step around any spillages of water to reduce chances of slip and fall. 

Personal Health and Safety
Be aware of your surrounding, especially if the public toilet is located in a secluded area, or you are using it at night. Notice the people around you and if you find any suspicious behavior, report to police or any security personnel. If you want to use washroom and feel unsafe, take any of your friends or loved one with you inside. 

Secure your personal belongings
Take care of personal belongings when using any public toilet. Never leave your purse or any other belongings on the floor when occupying a stall. Hang up your purse or place it on your lap o minimize the risk of theft.