Thursday, 22 December 2011

Recover Your Body Shape after Delivery

It is very difficult to follow an exercise routine when you have an infant or young child. Many figure cautious new moms spend an excessive amount of money over various weight-loss programs or gym memberships. Here is a list of do’s and dont’s to help you lose your weight and keep track of your body.

Can’t Stop Eating Immediately!!

Many new moms find it difficult to stop eating things they like instantly. You cannot leave it immediately, but have to do it gradually. After delivery, you should set up a new menu for you and your family to lose weight you put during weight. As long as you eat low-fat healthy food, it is permissible to eat occasionally something you like to satisfy your taste buds.

Stay Positive

To keep yourself motivated and stay positive, eat a small bite of your favorite snack, but don’t get to overindulge. You can really lose a great amount of fat by paying attention and tracking what you’re eating in a day. Be sure you take a handful of almonds and small glass of apple juice as the snack throughout the day rather having chips, shakes or a can of coke.

Yoga- A Great way to rejuvenate your body

Yoga is a great way to stretch muscles and rejuvenate a tired body. There are some asanas that you could perform to reduce fat. The yoga asanas are designed to reduce every part of the body separately. It is imperative to stretch your body properly before exercise in order to avoid painful injuries to muscles, joints and tendons.

Losing belly, strengthening the abdominals and toning arms is really challenging. Stretching is utmost important and it will protect your muscles from the pressure you put on your body during exercises.

Grab a Nap whenever it’s possible

Sleep deprivation is very common situation among parents with infants.  Try to have a nap whenever it is possible.  When you don’t sleep properly, you will become mentally and physically exhausted. It will also affect your diet and efforts to lose your weight gained during pregnancy.

Stay Happy

A smile can improve your appearance and your health as well. A happy mother makes a family healthy and happy.  Follow the five do’s and dont’s in order to make the weight losing process a fun and successful.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Plastic Surgery: Should I go under the knife to look better?

Plastic surgery is like a boon for the people who are more conscious about their looks and need a quick treatment. The success of surgery entirely depends on the surgeon and your health. It is your responsibility to follow the post-surgical precautions, but selection of a right surgeon is utmost importance.

Beauty is a biggest concern in today’s era, especially when it comes to a woman. If you’re unhappy with the way you look or with your overall physical appearance, you may think about cosmetic surgery. Even though cosmetic surgery helps to improve the appearance, but it isn’t right for everyone.

There are a number of factors, which are important to consider before going under the knife. One important factor to think over is the cost. We all know cosmetic surgery is very expensive. The larger area you need treated, the more costly your surgery is likely to be. If your skin is damaged or facing any other issue and cannot be repaired without a surgery, better consult your health insurance to cover all or a portion of the cost.

Another important factor that you need to consider is the time that you need to devote to the plastic surgery.  Unfortunately, people don’t take time factor into consideration when inquiry about cosmetic surgery. It is worth stating here that most of the plastic surgeries take a few days for rest and follow-up care, hence you will not work just after your surgery. Take a off from work and also take your financial loss for that time period into consideration.

Next factor to consider is the type of surgery. There are different types of plastic surgery is done to improve different parts of the body. It includes removal of wrinkles, repair of skin damage, reduce or increase the breast size as well reshape or restructure the nose. As aforesaid, the cost of your cosmetic surgery will depend on the area which you want to change. It is highly advised to examine the area of expertise of your surgeon to ensure results.

A plastic surgery is right for you if it suits your budget and health.

Friday, 2 December 2011

How Can You Deal with Low Sexual Appetite?

Sexual health and sexual satisfaction, both are essential ingredients to keep a physical relationship healthy and active. We all express our sexual desires in a different way, and interesting thing is, we actually don’t knows whether it is our own sexual fantasies or any physiological reasons that generate sexual desire in us. 

Inhibited Sexual Desire
A low sexual appetite or interest manifested by a failure to initiate or response to the sexual activity of partner is called as inhibited sexual desire. Even though, most of the time personal and relational factors affect the sexual desire, but sometimes physical problems also stall sexual appetite. 

Lack of sexual desire is more common in women than men. Women find themselves guilty of engaging in sex or sometimes improper communication keeps them away from sexual activities. Good relationships demand effective communication and appropriate comfort level to urge two people involve in sexual activities. 

Common causes for low sexual appetite
  • Improper Communication between partners
  • Both men and women want to avoid intimacy. Especially men think that intimacy can make them emotional weak
  • Previous traumatic sexual experience
  • Fear to get pregnant
  • Lack of privacy
  • Restrictive upbringing
  • Stress
How to Improve Low sexual Appetite

Take professional help
Instead of going under depression, suffering from hormonal changes, chronic illness and medications, it is worthwhile to take advice and support from professionals. Men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction should see a doctor as it can be linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

Some prescription medicines can have adverse effect on sexual desire, so ask your doctor to prescribe similar functioning medication that has lesser or no sexual side effects. 

As a couple, you need to work together to find out the risk factors threatening your sexual relationships. Effective and proper communication strengthens relationships. Both should have a right attitude towards the relationship, and make the tone more conductive for discussion. 

Spice things up
Set your mood by creating more intimate opportunities such as having a shower together, snuggling on sofa or taking a romantic stroll.  To overcome performance fear, you need to understand that sex need not to be perfect all the time and never put a pressure for that on your partner. It is always better to try some new position, new location or even role-playing.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Learn from Your Failure and Move Ahead

No one wants to fail, but everyone has seen failure in their lives. Whether your failure is related with your business venture, relationship or career, it can cause mood swings, irritability and feeling of hopelessness. It may be big or small, but it leaves a long lasting impact on the psyche of a person.

So, how to deal with such situation? There are people who love to take risk and not afraid of any failure, but everyone is not that courageous. Here are some effective techniques that you can use when you suffer failure in your life and overcome successfully:

Accept the Situation
It is very important to accept the situation that you’re failed. Take a step back and look at things in perspective. Remember, failure does not mean THE END, it is just a chance to improve better.

Analyze the Reason
Try to find out the reason, why did you fail? Were your efforts sufficient and right? Were you lacking something? Did you do something wrong? We all make mistakes and due to guilt we tend to punish ourselves a lot. Don’t be emotional while analyzing the reason.

Don’t panic if it was beyond your capacity
You faced failure because the circumstances were not right? Did your business fail because the sudden economic crisis? Did nature play havoc on your business? There are countless reasons, which are beyond your control and capacity.

Learn from Failure
Any experience without learning is incomplete and worthless. Find out the reason and learn from your mistakes so that you don’t have to face the same situation again in the future. Learning from failure will give the strength to face and handle it.

Remember, you cannot take two decision at a time
Take any decision with strong determination without any confusion. Once you take the decision, be ready to face positive and negative consequences. No one would complain if your decision is right, but if any failure occurs, people will break you down. Be ready to face and handle such a situation.

Try Again
As you’ve learned a lot from the failure, be confident that you won’t repeat the same mistakes. A failure has actually set you up for success. So , try again and again until you get success.