Sexual health and sexual satisfaction, both are essential ingredients to keep a physical relationship healthy and active. We all express our sexual desires in a different way, and interesting thing is, we actually don’t knows whether it is our own sexual fantasies or any physiological reasons that generate sexual desire in us.
Inhibited Sexual Desire
A low sexual appetite or interest manifested by a failure to initiate or response to the sexual activity of partner is called as inhibited sexual desire. Even though, most of the time personal and relational factors affect the sexual desire, but sometimes physical problems also stall sexual appetite.
Lack of sexual desire is more common in women than men. Women find themselves guilty of engaging in sex or sometimes improper communication keeps them away from sexual activities. Good relationships demand effective communication and appropriate comfort level to urge two people involve in sexual activities.
Common causes for low sexual appetite
- Improper Communication between partners
- Both men and women want to avoid intimacy. Especially men think that intimacy can make them emotional weak
- Previous traumatic sexual experience
- Fear to get pregnant
- Lack of privacy
- Restrictive upbringing
- Stress
How to Improve Low sexual Appetite
Take professional help
Instead of going under depression, suffering from hormonal changes, chronic illness and medications, it is worthwhile to take advice and support from professionals. Men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction should see a doctor as it can be linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Some prescription medicines can have adverse effect on sexual desire, so ask your doctor to prescribe similar functioning medication that has lesser or no sexual side effects.
As a couple, you need to work together to find out the risk factors threatening your sexual relationships. Effective and proper communication strengthens relationships. Both should have a right attitude towards the relationship, and make the tone more conductive for discussion.
Spice things up
Set your mood by creating more intimate opportunities such as having a shower together, snuggling on sofa or taking a romantic stroll. To overcome performance fear, you need to understand that sex need not to be perfect all the time and never put a pressure for that on your partner. It is always better to try some new position, new location or even role-playing.
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